
We sail with you through every project at every condition


Working with the best

A team of professional and self motivated individuals with many years experience in shipping are focusing on:
  • In house chartering for Schoeller Holdings container/MPP fleet
  • Competitive chartering for Container, MPP and Bulk Carriers
  • Succesful and fruitful cooperation with the world’s major carriers
  • Offering trip and round voyages fixtures, period charters and long-term time charters
  • Detailed and up-to-date market information and reports, specialized to container and bulk market
  • Continuous follow up and support in postfixing

Sales & Purchase

Reading the signs and catching the tide

Our activities:
  • Sale & Purchase of various vessel types on behalf of Schoeller Holdings
  • Sale & Purchase of various vessel types for third Parties
  • Evaluating, preparing and executing SNP projects
  • Our Team of Experts always keeps a vigilant eye on the highly volatile shipping market and makes sure that our clients are always among the best informed.


Dedication, Responsibility & Passion

Skillfullness and accountability describe our operations team. When it comes to operational matters we treat inhouse and third party tonnage equally the same. It is our team’s attention to detail and constant care that differentiates us from the rest of the market.
Our activities include but are not limited to:
  • Monitoring of incoming hire payments
  • Controlling hire statements and invoices
  • Arranging for bunker supply
  • Timesheets and laytime calculation for voyage charter
  • Working as intermediary for best possible solutions
  • Assisting with all questions in relation to the Charter Party
  • Giving commercial advice if required


Profitability with caution

Based on the simple idea of joining forces and profit sharing, our Pools are always open to highly profited new participants. We welcome ships that strengthen and maximise the profitability of the Pool.
On this regard we provide:
  • Monitoring of hire statement and income by controlling hire rates, off-hire times and bunker prices
  • Bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reporting, providing daily updates on demand
  • Historical and forecasted calculations
  • Organization of adjustment payments on monthly basis by using separate pool account
  • Free of “phase-in” dues, no pool commission (Chartering commission only), only additional charges are bank charges

Trusted Partners & Liner Services

Do you need a vessel?
+49 40 361304 – 0
Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our international Team is waiting to help you.